Posted February 3rd, 2005 21:12 as a News item.
For those of you who don’t know or haven’t noticed, the project has been extremely quiet over the last several months. I wish I could say this is because there have been top secret activities on going, but that simply isn’t the truth. Ardan Nights is in limbo with nothing happening.
However, if you wish to continue the work or start from scratch, then please, get stuck into the forums. I’ll do my best to answer people’s questions and help in what limited way I can. I wish only to be a caretaker of the site.
Speaking of which, the Breeland server is offline, not sure how long it’s been off. It needed to be updated in any case. For the time being, it’s remaining offline. Better news however is that the IRC server is back online and those who have been waiting to be added as members have been added tonight.
Here’s hoping to new blood and new activity.
Posted January 20th, 2004 14:13 as a News item.
Bree-land has been stripped clean, and is now back online. If you’re a member, you can head to the Bree-land page in the members section, to find out the list of hak paks that you will need, the server’s address and password to gain access. Those of you who have previously downloaded the hak paks need only download AN Override and the AN Core.
Hope to see you all soon in game.
Posted January 6th, 2004 11:44 as a News item.
After a query made by Etarnon on the message boards, it was clear that I needed to clarify the status of the PW and Bree-land.
The PW is not dead. It is just not what the core development team of AN will be concentrating on. What that team will be working on will benefit the PW greatly, but AN should no longer be equated with just a PW project.
At the moment I am stripping Bree-land fairly bare of all additions that we made to NWN. Whilst a very drastic measure, it is one that I feel needed to be done. The areas themselves remain intact. It will be back online as soon as possible.
As for future development of the PW and Bree-land, that is up to the members of AN themselves. Those interested in continuing to create a PW, should start a discussion on the boards.
Posted January 5th, 2004 17:15 as a News item.
Well for those of you who haven’t been keeping up with the discussion in the Hall of Fire, it was recently decided that Ardan Nights needed a bit of a shake up. To do this, a restructuring of the project and a shift in focus was suggested and agreed to.
These changes have now begun, with perhaps the most drastic change so far being with the message boards. The old ones will be closed completely in two weeks, for the time being they are just locked. There are new forums to replace the old and if you wish to carry forward any old topics, now is the time to tell me.
Another major change is that the PW is no longer the central goal for AN, rather the provision of resources for our members to create modules with is. Bree-land will be online, as soon as I can get it back to a playable state.
The final big change is that a smaller group will be concentrating on development of these resources, on a tighter schedule. There is also a GM group and another group to look after administrative and support tasks. But that is it. For more information, please visit this announcement on the message boards.
Posted November 24th, 2003 12:00 as a News item.
Our IRC server is back after it’s prolonged vacation. So come on by and meet everybody else.
Posted November 9th, 2003 21:47 as a News item.
Our IRC Server is down at the moment, due to some hacking attempts on the machine. The Sysadmin is increasing security and until he is finished our irc server is down. In the meantime you can find the replacement at in the #Ardan_Nights channel.
Posted September 20th, 2003 21:45 as a News item.
We’ll have a playtesting session, tonight (September 20th) at 9:00 pm EST (-5 GMT) It’d be great if lots of people could come. We’ll have 2 DM’s too, so it should be fun. The DM’s will be Tarmack and Gypsywych.
Posted September 14th, 2003 22:49 as a News item.
In anticipation of the upcoming release of Bree-land, Ardan Nights members have been hard at work. Tarmack will be holding DM lessons for any and all that wish to DM for AN. Contact him on irc or in the forums for further details.
Posted September 14th, 2003 22:41 as a News item.
After a couple of weeks, theface and I have put together a base Rocky Mountain tileset for later use both in ME and elsewhere. Feel free to check it out in the downloads section (title: Rocky Mountain hak) and leave comments/suggestions in the forum or irc.
Posted September 11th, 2003 04:09 as a News item.
As the newly elected Council Representative of HotP, Bradhar had this to say:
“Fellow Ardans. It is with mixed feelings I come before you today. When I gaze out over the boards I feel humbled and very proud of the acomplishments made by us and the ones who came before us. And when I go to look upon the posts by our forfathers, seeing the dreams and hopes held within their words, a great feeling of curiosity of what is to come and eagerness to continue their work washes over me. We all have a responsability to see to it that all of our progress is not squandered or forgotten. We are coming close to seeing this project, this dream, being realised. And I say, it is our duty to see this through!
It is not, however, without a measure of sadness that I accept the charge of guiding House of the Pillar towards the future. Paedrigh is, and will forever be, an important part of our ranks and he will be sorely missed. But we must not let ourselves dwell upon the ones that has left us, they are far too many and the longing would be too great to bear. We must instead look back without regret and feel truly blessed by the time we had with them and look forward to seeing them again someday, we surely will.
So dear friends, please join me in making a place we can all feel proud of. Open up your hearts to the ones who will take our place on day. Tell them of our mistakes and then let them make them for themselves. Teach them the things that was passed on by our forfathers. And above all, let them be your teacher too. Let them help us to build tomorrow. To build a dream.”